AGROMEK: Dalbo shows 12m Powerchain
Dalbo has stretched the working width of its Powerchain to 12m. The new 1200 fills a large chunk of the Danish manufacturer’s stand at this week’s Agromek farm machinery show.Joining the existing 5.0m and 8.0m versions, a handful of pre-production units of the 12m model were evaluated at farms in Denmark, Germany and Poland this season. With a minimum tractor requirement of around 340hp, the new Powerchain flagship is claimed as the ideal solution for large farms keen to kill weeds at speed without using the sprayer. It is also possible to fit it with a seeding unit to establish a cover crop at the same time.Fitted with 199 discs, the 10t trailed implement is designed to work at speeds up to 15km/hr. The two outer wings fold up vertically to reduce the transport width to 3.0m.The Powerchain costs around £95,000 and the first units will be delivered in January.
Wednesday, 27 November 2024
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